Walker High students get cooking tips from U.S. Army Culinary Team | Photo Gallery


Local high school students received cooking tips from members of the U.S. Army Culinary Team, based out of Fort Lee, Va., during multiple cooking demonstrations May 2-4.

The cooking team visited Walker High, Denham Springs High, and Central High during its trip to south Louisiana and showed students how to prepare ricotta gnocchi with bacon, mushrooms, and tomatoes in a white sauce.

The live cooking demonstration helped show soldiers in a different light and generate discussion about the many different roles there are in the Army, according to Staff Sgt. Jonathan Alberti, of the Denham Springs recruiting station.

“Food is a big part of our identity in Louisiana, and the US Army has a big culinary team,” Alberti said in a statement. “Having the team come to our schools to cook gives the students a new perspective on the Army and the jobs we offer.

“Students get the chance to ask us any questions they have about the Army, and we get the chance to discuss the opportunities, benefits, 150 different career paths and bonuses available during Army service. It is a welcoming environment for students to learn about their Army.”