Spotlight Theater Players presents ‘Sweet Delilah Swim Club’ production | Photo Gallery


The Spotlight Theater Players presented “The Sweet Delilah Swim Club,” a Jones Hope Wooten comedy, during a three-day run March 16-18 at Wholly Ground Coffee House in Walker.

The show, directed by Christine Norred Brignac, followed the story of five Southern women whose friendships began many years ago on their college swim team.

Every August, the women set aside a long weekend every August to recharge those friendships. Free from husbands, kids, and jobs, they meet at the same beach cottage, the “Sweet Delilah,” on North Carolina's outer banks.

As their lives unfold and the years pass, the women increasingly rely on one another, through advice and raucous repartee, to get through the challenges (men, sex, marriage, parenting, divorce, aging) that life flings at them.

The Spotlight Theater Players’ production of “The Sweet Delilah Swim Club” starred Valerie Brubaker, as Jeri Neal; Susan Burdette, as Lexie; Jodie Guitreau, as Vernadette; Celeste Angelle Veillon, as Dinah; and Helene Wall, as Sheree.