Denham Springs High students present ‘The Totally Tubular Costume Conundrum’ | Photo Gallery


Members of the Denham Springs High School Theater Department presented multiple showings of “The Totally Tubular Costume Conundrum” during a two-day run March 24-25.

The “play within a play” was written by student Emily Danos and director Donna Van Oss. Student Suzy Lemaire served as a choreographer and co-writer.

Set in a 1980s high school, the production follows young actors preparing for their own retelling of Shakespeare’s “Taming of the Shrew” — a version set in the 1950s that is highlighted by a dance contest.

But everyone becomes a suspect when the most important dress disappears, putting the show in jeopardy.

Students in the two-act play performed under the direction of Van Oss and technical director Michelle Freneaux Chassaing. Maria Ryan served as assistant technical director.